Saturday, August 14, 2010

Math Dot Kit

Card Size : 18cmx18cm (Doman'standard)
Paper Quality : 350gsm laminated surface with rounded corners
Quantity : 129 pcs

Glenn Doman Math Dot Method

Glen Doman believes that there is no need for this long and difficult process. According to the research , children are born with an ability to discern quantity of objects by sight. Looking at a hundreds of dots and saying their exact number without counting. Apparently all the kids are able to do it and lose this amazing ability if we don’t help them develop it. In order to do it, Glen Doman suggests using large flash cards with dots (hence – Dot Method), increasing the number of random dots on the cards gradually, getting children accustomed first to quantities, then to equasions with those quantities, and finally even with algebraic sequences, sophisticated equations and even inequalities. Since children get used to doing equations with dots (quantities) instead of numbers (meaningless symbols!), they learn to UNDERSTAND problem solving in math, as opposed to memorizing the formulas to get to the correct answer of the problem.


Right Brain Encyclopedia Flash Cards Kit $65

Card Size : 26cmx18cm
Paper Quality : 350gsm laminated surface with rounded corners
Quantity : 300 pcs

categories :
1. World Flag 国 旗 40 pcs
2、Vegetables 蔬 菜 25 pcs
3、Fruits 水 果 15 pcs
4、Musical Instruments 乐 器 20 pcs
5、Animals 动 物 10 pcs
6、Flowers 花 类 10 pcs
7、Birds 鸟 禽 10 pcs
8、Famous Art Pieces 名 画 30 pcs
9、Stationaries 文具类 10 pcs
10、Insects 昆虫类 10 pcs
11、Famous Sightseeing Locations 名胜 10 pcs
12、Tool 劳动工具 10 pcs

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eyes Training Kit

Sample : Eye Movement Card

Sample : 3 Colours Card

Sample : Mandala Card

Sample :Photoeyesplay

Sample :One Dot card

Sample : Yellow Card

Sample :Eye Wider Card

SGD 120

This Kit includes :

1) 1 set of One Dot Card
2) 1 set of Eyewider Card
3) 1 set of Eyes Movement Card
4) 1 set Yellow Card
5) 1 set of 3 Colours Card
6) 1 set of 3 shapes Card
7) 1 set of Photoeyesplay Colour Card
8) 1 set of Corner eyes Card
9) 1 set of Engle eyes Card
10) 1 set of Mandala Card

Saturday, May 22, 2010


SGD 90

The kit Includes 30 sets of ESP Training Cards

ESP or extrasensory perception is perception occurring independently of sight, hearing, or other sensory processes. ESP also commonly referred to as the sixth sense, involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical sense but sensed with the mind. ESP is a very unconventional activity , even 2 year olds get into the habit of doing these games very well. Dr Shichida's premise is that everything in the universe boils down to some form of wave energy, so energy-wave reading is a key skill that all students are expected to perfect. The lessons, following the imagery/imagination exercises, incorporate ESP activities. Dr Shichida believes this ESP activitiy can develope our right brain.

Symbol Flash Card Kit

SGD 45

This Kit includes 48 pieces A5 Size Flash Cards


SGD 120

Includes 100 28*28 Size Painting Flash Cards (English & Chinese)

双语世界名画卡内附详细的中英双语教学计划说明书 《双语世界名画卡》在实践中吸收总结杜曼、七田真等国际著名右脑潜能开发专家的成功教学方法。通过学习孩子可以快速提高以下能力。*提高悟性和情商*培养良好的学习习惯*进行胎教、提高艺术欣赏水平、丰富百科知识*直觉能力超强,有独特创造力*活化大脑细胞,提高大脑实物想象力*活化眼杆状细胞和锥状细胞,训练视觉影像*看到图像、文字、数字、符号,像照相机一般印入脑中的照相记忆能力世界名画卡

1、达.芬奇 10张
2、米开朗基罗 10张
3、莫奈 10张
4、达利 10张
5、拉斐尔 10张
6、安格尔 10张
7、毕加索 10张
8、波提切利 10张
9、梵高 10张
10、塞尚: 10张
1、卡的尺寸:28CM *28CM(标准杜曼卡尺寸)
4、正面是高清晰图,背面是对应图的10条中英文智力纲领,双语教学。适合 国内外朋友教学用5、图片清晰度高,四色机直接印刷,卡片尺寸大,图片大,绝对优于小尺寸及打印制作的名画卡。